Friday, October 14, 2011

Live reporting line for iPhone at Apple Store UK 4s

Cellphones are pleased to send you pictures to line up and buy the first iPhone 4s in Europe.

Cellphones were present at the apple store uk from previous night at 2 h to prepare and time is 5pm, near only another 4 hours, apple store will officially open the first customer, who would not know good luck Most of the hundreds who have been waiting for here is one of the world's first iPhone owners 4s

Photo, video is sent directly from the UK and France
(See Facebook , faster updates)

London Oct 13 5pm
Iphone 4s queuing in front of Apple store

London Oct 13 5pm
Iphone 4s queuing in front of Apple store

This image is in France!

5h28p: inside Apple Store

Security guards use cuoi section 1, tuc final row

Because of the first tri NHG lined ip4s purchased. May turn lap san de pvan n ip ng their first purchase

Front of the apple store at Covent Garden

Bay 7h06 h la Apple employees started velvet lined divided into different groups, barriers to the sharing of content, the end of each apple hang nv come with guarding.

The above has been ranked in order species ip4s phat ticket de moi ng ma want to buy.

London 7.20am in front of Apple store in Covent Garden, James Street.

Cellphones at Apple Store UK london

7:30 am:

Your first recipient iPhone 4s, but this fact too fast, do not keep shooting, interviews with cellphones

[H = Before the Apple Store-Covent Garden-London] 6 [/ h]

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