Monday, October 10, 2011

Samsung Galaxy S III coming 2012 says Samsung boss


Yep, your S II already has a successor

Samsung Galaxy S III coming 2012 says Samsung boss. Phones, Mobile phones, Samsung Galaxy S iii, Samsung Galaxy S ii, Samsung, Android, Samsung Galaxy Tab, 4g, 0

Samsung has confirmed that it is already working on a Samsung Galaxy S III for 2012 as well as working on a 4G version of the company’s Tab tablet for later in 2011.
J.K. Shin, president of Samsung's mobile communications division, has told Dow Jones Newswires in an exclusive interview that “Samsung may launch a third version of its Galaxy S smartphone in the first half of next year after launching a second-generation version called Galaxy S II last month.”
Already selling over 1.3million handsets in the first month, the Samsung Galaxy S II is likely to become of one the phones of the year, and continues the company’s success of the first Samsung Galaxy S smartphone launched last year.
It’s no surprise then that Samsung will want the “run” to continue, however this is the first time the company has officially gone on record to state that a new handset will be made, heck the rumours of such a device haven’t even started yet.
But it’s not just a remake of it’s flagship device that Samsung is teasing us with, but the promise of a 4G version of it’s Samsung Galaxy Tab (that’s the 7-inch model) later this year:
"The race for 4G (fourth-generation) has already started," J.K. Shin said in the same Dow Jones Newswires interview. "4G transition is inevitable particularly for tablets because it requires faster download speeds than smartphones to handle bigger volume content."
According to Dow Jones, the new tablet will be an evolution of and an enhanced version of its Galaxy Tab models, Shin said, without providing further details.

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