Friday, October 28, 2011

The story of the case for the iPhone 5

There is a story today that is quite fun if you look around the Shenzhen market, you can find many sample case protection for iPhone 5 . Although this phone has not been formally introduced and carried out, we still do not know for sure that it exists or not. The range of manufacturers make accessories for the iPhone 5 makes it raises a question whether the design of this handset has been leaked? In Shenzhen, we also have a pretty good information that is needed is an accurate model of the iPhone 5 have been smuggled out of the market and has provided the purchaser with price is $ 3.124. Immediately after the template is the "cooperative" has been very responsive to a series of sample case for this phone.

Unknown how the damage but if the design of the iPhone 5 as this truth is also great. However, Apple could also change the design at the last minute, nothing is predictable. Previously, the iPad 2 is about to introduce a series of plastic case makes the iPad 2 in China have emerged and it is sold both at CES2011 and it has resulted reflect the characteristics of the iPad 2 .

I strongly believe in design because it is very similar to the information revealed so far. If you are a regular monitoring information on the iPhone 5 probably will find it familiar.

The story of the case for the iPhone 5

The story of the case for the iPhone 5

The story of the case for the iPhone 5

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